Sunday, March 13, 2011

Community Outreach!

Our program at SFS emphasizes community outreach, whether it be through lessons at the local schools on Wednesdays, swim lessons on Saturdays, beach clean-up, or invasive species removal. On Wednesdays, I go over to the public school and teach kindergarden kids about "Our World".

The first week we began with talking about the United States. First, Arianna talked about the East coast, mainly Maryland where she is from. Then they made little crabs out of paper cub bottoms.
The first week we began with talking about the United States. First, Arianna talked about the East coast, mainly Maryland where she is from. Then they made little crabs out of paper cub bottoms. Then I talked about the Southwest, mainly Arizona! I created an outline of a saguaro cactus behind a sunset and had the children color in the lines. Emma followed with the Middle and mostly talking about Minnesota. Overall, the lesson went really well, even the teacher was taking notes!

The kids have so much potential, they want to learn, sure they can be a little rambunctious but they have kind hearts and big dreams...

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